Road to Hana Rest Stops

Road to Hana Rest Stops

List of the Hana Highway's rest stops, bathrooms, and restrooms

Rest Area & Bathroom Stops

Where are the restroom facilities on the Road to Hana?

When you gotta go, you gotta go. This article will help put you in the know about where to "go" on Maui's famous Hana Highway (Road to Hana).

This Road to Hana on Maui article is a continuation of our series on the Road to Hana. Most of this information is pulled directly from our exclusive Hana Highway Guide Book or eBook, so be sure to grab your copy.

Our free downloadable Road to Hana map below also denotes all public rest areas and public locations with bathrooms.

— article continued below —

Road to Hana Highway Map

Hana Highway Map - Mile by Mile...

Updated with a new high-resolution map of Maui. Includes each of the Hana Highway's top attractions, trails, landmarks, rest areas, and beaches with mile markers for the entire drive.

Please note that MM = Mile Marker in our guide below. Locations marked with an * may have special conditions for their use or be private facilities that require paid admission.

If you think that figuring out where to stop for breaks seems like too much hassle, we suggest you book an adventure with one of our favorite Road to Hana tour providers.

For those of you who plan to head out on your own, we again encourage you to invest in a copy of our Hana Highway Guidebook. Our maps mark each of the public rest stops and bathrooms along the way. Combined with this comprehensive list below, you'll be fully prepared on where the stops are located.

Lower Paia Town*

  • * No public facilities, but last chance to visit a bathroom at the local gas station(s) as you fill up. We do recommend you top off your gas here too; prices are insanely high in Hana town.
  • Next stop isn't for at approximately 20 miles (30-50 min)
Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden Overlook

Garden of Eden* (MM 10)

  • * Because this is a commercial stop, the restrooms here are not public, but are available to all guests who pay the entrance fee. In our opinion, the fee is worth it.
  • The Garden of Eden is one of the best gardens on Maui and we consider this a must see. The admission price is a bit steep, but the garden is meticulously maintained and worth a visit. It offers several great panoramic overlooks of the Pacific and also offers you a view of both Lower and Upper Puohokamoa Falls.
Kaumahina Wayside Park

Overlook from within Kaumahina Wayside Park

Kaumahina State Wayside Park (MM 12)

  • Public facilities are located at this stop!
  • A pretty park that had its facilities upgraded several years ago. Offers nice views of Keanae Peninsula ahead of you.
Puaakaa Falls

Pua'aka'a Falls

Puaa Kaa State Wayside Park (MM 22)

  • Public facilities are located at this stop!
  • Offers picnic tables and other facilities.
  • Several small waterfalls nearby.
Waianapanapa State Park

Overlook within Waianapanapa State Park

Waianapanapa State Park* (MM 32)

  • * As of March 1, 2021, reservations (up to two weeks in advance) for all non-resident visitors and commercial vehicles will be required for entry to Maui's Waianapanapa State Park. No same-day reservations will be accepted. The parking fee for out-of-state visitors will be $10.
  • One of the only black sand beaches on the island of Maui is located here at Waianapanapa State Park. It also makes a great spot for lunch.
Hana Town

Hana Town Welcome Sign

Hana Town*

  • * Restrooms can be found in most stores here, especially the main general store. The facilities may be available for paying customers only; check with the store.
  • Keep heading towards the Oheo Gulch otherwise.

Beyond Hana - Piilani Highway (31)

Mile markers are now counting down, just FYI.

Oheo Gulch on Maui

Oheo Gulch at Kipahulu (part of Haleakala NP)

Oheo Gulch at Kipahulu* (MM 42)

  • Public facilities are located at this stop! Entry fee required.
  • OK, so here's the big reward for all that driving. Some of the most pristine pools in all of Hawaii are here at the Oheo Gulch ('7 Sacred Pools').
  • There's a great hike up the Pipiwai Trail to the gorgeous 400' Waimoku Falls. Expect to spend anywhere from 1-4 hours at this stop. Be sure to leave in time to get back (via either route) before dark, and leave especially early during the winter months.
  • Note that the park isn't crowded early in the morning between 7 am - 9 am, but after that, it gets quite busy.
Piilani Highway

Piilani Highway Landscape

Beyond the Oheo Gulch

Piilani Highway heading toward Upcountry Maui

  • There are NO public facilities beyond the Oheo Gulch!!
  • The only potential stop is the Kaupo Store, but those facilities may be only for paying customers. The store is also periodically closed.
  • Beyond the Oheo Gulch (heading towards Upcountry Maui), the road does get a little rough in places; but again, we think you'll be fine if you try it. Just remember that you do so at your own risk and we are not suggesting you drive it. (Hat tip to the lawyers!)
  • Once you reach Upcountry Maui, there are some gardens you may be interested in, though chances are that by then you'll have had enough driving and will just want to get back to your accommodations. These gardens do have facilities with an entry fee however.

Be sure to check out all of our additional Road to Hana on Maui tips and resources.

Hawaii-Guide encourages all visitors, prior to visiting the Hana area, to please review the official Hana Highway Code of Conduct below, provided by the HVCB & Hana Highway Regulation, an initiative of the Hana Community Association. Mahalo!

Road to Hana Highway Code of Conduct
  1. Visit State parks and County rest facilities.
  2. Enjoy the various farms, botanical gardens and fruit stands along the way.
  3. Avoid sites located on or beyond private properties, and areas that lack visitor welcoming signage. 
  4. Park in designated parking stalls. Vehicles protruding onto the highway are subject to being towed.
  5. Do not enter streams on occasions of heavy rains and flash flooding conditions. 
  6. Please respect the 'Aina (land): place trash in a proper receptacle, stay on the paths, respect the wildlife and plants, and practice safe procedures.
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