Kauai Over and Under Rated

Kauai Over and Under Rated


This short and to the point article gets to the heart of what's Overrated and Underrated on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. So what's hot and what's not on Kauai? Let's take a look.


Allerton Garden - The garden is beautiful, don't get us wrong, but the steep admission, plus the fact you tour HAS to be guided, makes this garden a place you could easily skip.


Limahuli Garden - The garden doesn't get nearly the love or amount of visitors as its south shore cousins, but you should certainly add it to your must see list while on the island. At half the price of the other gardens, you can take a self guided tour of this remarkable garden, and visit one of the islands most ancient cultural spots at the same time. If you enjoy taking photos make sure to set aside ample time for that since you can take your time in the gardens that should not be a problem at all.

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Kipu Falls - It's a dangerous falls and it should be considered kapu (or off limits) to visitors. Yet people still flock to this location, and still get hurt (or worse) every month.


Wai'ale'ale "Weeping Wall" - We're not suggesting you hike to this location, but instead take a helicopter ride into this glorious crater that boasts more waterfalls than you could even dream of. While we almost hate to call it the "Weeping Wall," that seems to be the name that has stuck; but whatever you call it (Wailua headwaters, Blue Hole, etc) - it's certainly worth a helicopter visit.


Hanakapiai Falls Trail - We love a good waterfall like everyone else, but getting to this falls is a royal pain. And most people have no idea what they're getting into when they start the four-mile round trip trek into Hanakapiai Valley. It's a beautiful falls, but the multiple stream crossings and vague trail just aren't worth it in our opinion.


Nualolo Trail - Largely ignored, including by us for a long time, this trail offers some of the most remarkable scenery anywhere on the island. The views from the end at Lolo Vista point rival that of any other view on the island. This trail by itself, or done as part of the popular loop trail with Awa'awapuhi, is well worth the effort.


Queens Bath - Another controversial location, this spot also is one of the more dangerous places visitors frequent on the island. While the "pool" is tranquil one moment, one rogue wave can make it deadly. Our suggestion, skip this location.


Wailua River - If you're looking to play in the water, then the Wailua River might be a good bet. You can kayak up the river to visit the Fern Grotto or one of many "secret" falls.


Waimea Canyon's main lookout - This lookout is almost always packed with visitors and buses. Getting it to yourself is probably not going to happen unless you come really early. The photo opportunities are of course wonderful, but we advise you save your film for better views down the road due to the fact of a fence. Speaking of which...


Puu Hinahina Lookout - Not even a fraction as crowded as the main lookout, this lookout gives you an incredible view of Waimea Canyon. There are various vantage points at this location you can take advantage of, but some of them will expose you to the canyon, so use extreme caution if you explore.


Spouting Horn - Maybe it's just us, but we've never understood why this sight draws in the crowds that it does. It's impressive at high tide, but the rest of the time it's almost as boring as watching paint dry.


Puu o Kila Lookout - Weather permitting, this location offers the best view on the island that doesn't require any hiking. Even on a cloudy day, you might find a welcome surprise in a double (or triple) rainbow lurking in the valley below.


Tunnels Beach - Parking is a nightmare! While the snorkeling is superb, the beach is over rated in our opinion.


Haena Beach Park - Right next door to Tunnels beach is one that's got ample parking and offers an amazing view. Just hike down the beach to the right after parking, and then turn around. Before you is the 1,280ft cliff named Bali Hai, a remarkable sight if we do say so ourselves. Bali Hai is also known as Makana, meaning "gift," in Hawaiian.

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