Poliahu Heiau

Poliahu Heiau

Located within the East Region on Kauai

Poli'ahu Heiau is one of Kaua'i's most legendary structures located just across the road from beautiful Opaeka'a Falls. Here you'll find an ancient heiau or place of worship. It is actually one of seven stretching along the Wailua River from the ocean to the top of Wai'ale'ale a few miles inland where the river is born. The Wailua River has always been very sacred to the Hawaiian people and continues to be.

While Poli'ahu isn't the largest heiau on the island (Malae across the river is the largest), it is a very impressive structure and a mystical place to visit. Don't confuse it with the smaller Holoholo-ku Heiau a half mile up Hwy 580. Poli'ahu will be in a larger open area with an overlook of the Wailua River. Hawai'i Visitor Bureau signs near the heiau state that the Hawaiians believed this structure was built by the Menehune, an ancient race of small people who inhabited the islands before the Tahitians. To reach Poli'ahu take Kumao'o Road (Hwy 580) north for two miles. The heiau is on the left across from Opaeka'a Falls. Please do not disturb the rocks or sit on the walls at this sacred place.

Geolocation Data

Geographic Coordinates

Latitude: 22.0458738
Longitude: -159.3560796

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