Moving to Hawaii - Step By Step EBook by Michelle Meyer

Moving to Hawaii - Step By Step EBook by Michelle Meyer
Aloha readers! We have some exciting news to share. Our friend over at How to Live in Hawaii has gone and written an eBook based on her personal experience as she made her dream to move to Hawaii a reality. We strongly recommend you get this if you are considering a move to the islands.

Michele’s eBook is a step-by-step guide with everything you would need to know and do along the way. From the moment the thought enters your mind to when you are settled on the island. It begins with some back ground on how her love for the islands began followed by when she decided to make the move. She then takes you through each step making sure to deliver both detailed and realistic information. The clickable table of contents helps you navigate straight to what you need, there is also a helpful Word list (terms with definitions/meanings) at the end that you can refer to if you come across a word you aren't familiar with. The author did a wonderful job on writing and we also enjoyed the humor in parts.  We've added quite a lot of unknown information to our research by reading this book. If you want a realistic, fun, informative point of view then this book is for you. 


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