Hawaii Frequently Asked Questions

Hawaii Frequently Asked Questions

Published by: John C. Derrick

Founder & certified Hawaii travel expert with 20+ years of experience in Hawaii tourism.

When you are planning your vacation to the Hawaiian Islands we are sure you have many questions to ask. Here are ten of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) we hear often.

What is the time difference from the continental US? 

  • Hawaii follows Hawaii Standard Time (GMT-10 hours). Since Hawaii does not observe Daylight Savings Time, during the majority of the year (March-November), Hawaii is six (6) hours behind Eastern Standard Time and three (3) hours behind Pacific Standard Time. During non-DST months Hawaii is five and two hours behind each respective time zone.

What is the main airport of Hawaii?

How long is the flight to Hawaii?

  • Here are a few approximate flight times from US cities…
  • Los Angeles - 5.75 hrs
  • San Francisco - 5.5 hrs
  • Seattle - 5.75 hrs
  • Las Vegas - 7 hrs
  • Phoenix - 8.25 hrs
  • Salt Lake City - 8 hrs
  • Chicago - 9 hrs
  • New York - 12.5 hrs

Do I need a car to get around on Hawaii?

  • If you are looking for off the beaten path fun during your vacation, then we generally believe it would be a good idea to rent a car.  Oahu has a bus system that you can use, but the other islands do not offer as reliable public transportation.

What is the average temperature in Hawaii?

  • There are two “seasons” on the islands, summer (May-Oct) and winter (Nov-Apr). The average temperature during the summer months is around 84 degrees F while the winter months it is 78 degrees F.  For more details on the weather in Hawaii visit our Hawaii Weather article.                                            

What should I pack for my trip to Hawaii?

  • The general island wear includes shorts, bathing suits, suntan lotion, flip flops, hiking shoes, things like that.  If you plan to visit places like Haleakala on Maui and Mauna Kea on the Big Island you will need a hoodie or lightweight jacket, as it gets pretty chilly up on the summits. If you are staying on the windward side of any of the islands, plan to pack an umbrella or small rain jacket, as brief rainstorms frequent this side of the island.  We also suggest leaving some space in your luggage for souvenirs, etc. since you’ll most likely make some purchases to remember your trip by. For more information, read our article on What to pack for Hawaii

What island should I visit?

  • It depends on a few things.  One of the top things to consider would be the type of vacation you want, whether it’s an adventurous one or a lazy/relaxed time, or a mixture of both.  We have a 'Which Island' Quiz that will help you in your decision.  Whichever island(s) you decide on we feel confident you will not be disappointed.


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How much money will I need per day?

  • Food is a lot pricier on the islands whether you buy it and cook at your place or go out to eat for your meals.  There are budget-friendly places available for accommodations as well as restaurants.  We tend to stay at places with a small kitchen so we can eat both breakfast and some dinners at “home” then pack our lunch to go while we go adventuring around the island.  A ballpark amount might be, and this is including accommodations at a small B&B and food at non-pricey restaurants, $200.00/day for two people.

What languages are spoken in Hawaii?

  • Hawaii’s official language is both English and Hawaiian, but English is the most common. Other languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese, are often spoken too. Here are some common Hawaiian words to know when visiting Hawaii. Pidgin, a hybrid island language, can also be heard throughout Hawaii. And while it may be tempting to start rambling off your own pidgin words – trust us when we say, ‘Leave dat kine talk to the locals who can speak it mo’bettah than you can brah.’

Do I need a visa to visit Hawaii?

  • We hear this one more often than you might think. Since Hawaii is the 50th state,  U.S. residents won’t need to bring their passport unless they are planning to travel to another country after Hawaii. If you are not a U.S. resident, then yes, you must bring your passport with you.

If you have a question that isn't listed, but you think should be, please always feel free to contact us.

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